
Let’s talk

Studying abroad can be really beneficial for students. Getting used to a foreign environment can be hard in the beginning, but it is worth the effort. Each and every one of us behaves differently when encountering various people of different nationalities.

Oyeyemi Adeola and I have been friends since day one in school. We immediately started to share our views on present and past experiences. We sat down to refresh our memories from the beginning, since we haven’t unfortunately had any classes together. Both of us being busy doesn’t help either. Going into details would be like writing a novel, so we tried to sum up our memories.

What were the first things you had to look after when moving to Hungary?

Food and people.Coming from a different culture and background, it’s difficult to learn the new language, get new friends after leaving the ones behind, make food with different ingredients. In the end, it’s worth it for me, whether it’s negative or positive, you learn something from it. I have a lot of beautiful experience for example meeting Levi on the first day of school.

When was the first time we talked and what was it about?

After the „Communication in international context” class, neither of us was in a hurry going home. We talked about Hungary’s history, current politics, culture shock, sports and what two grown man usually talk about. We shared cookies while discussing these topics.

Was it hard to get to Hungary?

Getting a visa to Hungary is no joke. After getting into the country, everything went smoothly. Just had to get the documents right and cooperate with the Embassy.

Where have you been in Hungary other than Budapest?

Lake Balaton, Royal Castle of Gödöllő, Lázár Equestrian Park, Cave lakes of Tapolca and the Castle of Sümeg.

They say Budapest is one of the prettiest cities in Europe, why do you think that is?

The picture I get even from my apartment is breathtaking. Buda has that touch of green throughout the day but the lit up streets are one amazing sight to look at.

Popular nationalities that you meet in Hungary?

Chinese, Turkish and Pakistani.

Which was the weirdest topic we have ever discussed?

Newly forming human rights, about gender studies, age defying studies, basically 2018 problems.

What Hungarian habits have you noticed that you picked up?

Dancing. Once I was seen dancing and a guy asked if I have a Hungarian girlfriend. He assumed that because of the typical moves that I did.

Even though we couldn’t spend much time together since the first semester, we can continue talking where we left off. I think friendships like these are the best kind. I like how he always brings a smile on my face every time we meet. I wish everyone to have at least one friend like him.


Author: Levente Gombos


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